Sunday, April 17, 2011


Kite Running

Kite Running in the story symbolizes a form of battle and competition in which you cannot loose. Kabul’s interpretation of kite flying is that it’s simply going to war. Amir and Hassan’s friendship is shown through the teamwork required to build a successful kite. The two parts of kite running which are controlling the kite and the running after the cut down kite are perfect representations of distinction between the two boys. Knowing that the kite flying is less desirable but more honorable. The running s the more ideal job but its less respected in as sense. Amir is the kite flyer in the story when Hassan is the runner. The audience that was spectating the event would scream at Amir to “cut him, cut him” insinuating that he needs to win. Amir described the screaming to be similar to Gladiators being screamed at by the Romans to “kill”. By the end of the competition the two boys are victorious. Amir has become a “man” according to his father, but not long after he has lost his manhood by not taking on the male responsibility to help a dear friend when he was in need.

The Pomegranate Tree

The tree is a direct representation of the strong bond Amir and Hassan share. Their names are carved into the tree representing something lasting a “lifetime”. When they are sitting under the tree Amir whips a pomegranate at Hassan hoping that he would fight back. Hassan does not respond in such a way in fact he smashes a pomegranate against his own forehead. It shows that he again is making a sacrifice for Amir. This basically signifies the extent of their relationship because Amir cannot comprehend the reason why Hassan always sacrifices himself for Amir. Amir’s overall guilt ends the friendship.

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