Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dramatic Irony

Rape in an Islamic country- In a country such as Afghanistan, rape is not recognized. The act of raping is not something Islamic countries are not interpreted in the same way North America or Europe for example sees it. More less the act of rape happens and if no one has actually proof or sees it nothing will be done. In Afghanistan is rape has taken place and a women is raped they will be stoned. In the case of the Kite Runner where two boys are involved, typically it would mean that they are both to be executed.   

Superiority- Amir constantly at the beginning of the story thinks he is “above” his friend Hassan on several occasions. Time passes and Amir comes to reality and realizes he is on the same level if not lower.

An example of this would be when Hassan was being raped and Amir did nothing to help his friend. If Amir was that manly figure that was above everyone, he would have gone right over to help his friend. Instead Amir runs off trying to forget he ever saw the event take place. The ironic part of the situation is that if it was Hassan in Amir’s position, without hesitation he would go and do the best he could to help. Hassan therefore displays the characteristics that would make him in fact ‘’higher” than Amir. 

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