Sunday, March 6, 2011

Critical Article Summaries


“Kite Catches and Flies High”
Jim Bartley, “Kite Catches and Flies High.” Globe & Mail (Toronto) (28 June 2003)

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Summary :

            The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini has such expression in his dialect. At the beginning it becomes apparent that the theme of love for one another is present.  From living the dream in San Francisco, California to the nightmare in Kabul, Afghanistan, the reader is fulfilled with a sense of tenderness and terror. The summative portion of the story does not achieve the same degree of emotional experience between childhood friends that is given by comprehending the full story. Characters Amir and Hassan from the start have been affecting largely by the worlds divisions. The story of Amir’s tragic childhood in two continents for more than two decades has the ability to allow the story to be suspenseful and gripping.


Noor, Ronny. “Khaled Hosseini. The Kite Runner.  World Literature Today

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     The Kite Runner Creates a vivid picture of the alliance of the Taliban as well as the Russian enormity. The novel is a story filled with redemption and sins as the son is trying to redeem his father’s sin. Afghanistan’s conflict is only daintily brushes upon as the reader only really acquires a very simplistic vision and simple picture of it. Khaled fails to mention several of the organizations that are involved in the Afghan conflict specifically because it is not a main focus but simply as a backdrop for the story. Khaled also utters that the present leader of Afganistan, Hamid Karzai, will get Afhanistan back on its “feet” to say. Unfortunately this is not the case for Hamid as his power does not come across as very threatening as farmers are producing significantly larger quantities of opium the ever before for survival. Also it is spoken that the occupying forces, according to human-rights groups, that the leader is routinely violating and injuring innocent Afghans. This theme of conflict is quite noticeable as it is depicted throughout the story.


“An Old, Familiar Face: Writer Khaled Hosseini, Lifting the Veil on AfghanistanWashington Post May 28, 2007

Document URL:


Khaled Hosseini and The Kite Runner were considered to be underrated. When the critic chose the title “Lifting the veil on Afghanistan” it is referring to the author’s personal experiences and events in his life which were at one time hidden or not shown. Khaled during the time he was writing this story he was thinking that he would potentially not publish or finish the story because at the present time Afghanistan was seen as a fearful and remorseful country. This was also around the time of the 911 attack involving the Twin Towers in New York. His wife in fact was the one who convinced him to continue to write the story. The continuance of this story was a risky battle because of the relation with Afghanis and the actions of some individuals from their home country.  The end result of Khaled Hosseini’s novel was that it sold over 4 millions copies world-wide and being published in 34 countries. Khaled made mention saying, “there were days when I couldn't pay people to read that novel." However this is no longer the case anymore because this story is a known success.

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