Sunday, February 13, 2011

Book Choice Submission

Title: The Kite Runner
Author: Khaled Hosseini
Publication Date: May 29th 2003
Number of Pages: 324

        I chose the novel The Kite Runner mainly because of recommendation. I have heard that it is an excellent story with a in-depth plot. From a personal level I was intrigued to read the book because it is based in the war ridden land on Afghanistan. Afghanistan has been known for its brutality and violent war zones and I am particularly interested in reading about that. The Kite Runner covers Afghanistan's monarchy through the soviet invasion and many other aspects.

      So far the novel is rather slow. I am finding hard to keep my interest in it, but I imagine once I get farther in the story it will become more interesting as the plot thickens. At the beginning it is mainly introducing the characters and the main character speaking of a past event from 1975 in the current year of 2001. He does not describe what exactly happened during the year of 75' but informs us of how it made him who he is today.

      I have only read through the first and second chapter currently. Unfortunately the amount I have read only gives me a brief look of the story so far with some details of character development and a small portion of the stories background, but I am looking forward to what the future of reading this story brings!

      So far the main character Amir Khan and his friend Hassan take a stroll through the streets of San Francisco and he sees a child flying a kite and it reminds him of the past. Amir's father Baba was also introduced, and his mother was mentioned whom had died in the process of giving birth to Amir.Currently the mood of the story feels rather " gloomy" as the past of the men seems rather depressing and life changing.

      There are currently no major themes in the story. So far the story had given a rather sad and depressing mood to the reader. It seems that these two men have had to go through substantial amounts of the harsh realities of life. Their past seems to be a part of their lives that they can not forget about and I believe it is something that bothers them even being so far in the past. I think the author is trying to add more depth to the story and build a connection from the reader to the characters in the story by making the reader learn about their past life in Afghanistan.

     There are several secondary sources on The Kite Runner. Personally I don't find them too confusing to read although they do seem to be quite choppy at times particularly when quotes are referred to. I do find the secondary sources to be interesting to read because it is an alternative view on the story. On some occasions  the writers of these secondary sources critique the novel and have a different aspect that I personally wouldn't have picked up on.

    "And made me what I am today" [Amir Khan, page 2]. I choose this quote because I believe it is something everyone can relate to. Many people, including me can say there is something that has happened in their lives that was a changing point or something that affected them for their whole life. Alike Amir, I personally had the experience that changed my outlook on life. For several people the death of someone close to them, would be something that made them who they are today. Whether or not it was anything to do with a decision they made to do something or to stop doing that particular thing, it has potentially changed who they are as a person. In the end, a particular instance in one's life can change their perspective on life forever.

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